Mystery Shopping
Improve the quality of service and delight customers.
Customer Experience
Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Employee Experience
Increase employee engagement
Market Experience
Improve your market position


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Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping (MS) , Mystery Shopping is a business tool for controlling and measuring the quality of service with the aim of discovering the pros and cons and improving it….

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Customer Experience

Customer Experience (CX ) , Customer Experience allows you to manage the customer experience with your company with the goal of continuously increasing positive ratings and recommendations….

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Employee Experience

Employee Experience (EX) , Employee Experience measures and analyzes the experience with the company that employs them with the aim of increasing engagement and satisfaction and a positive impact on customers….

Market Experience

Market Experience (MX) Market experience gives you more general information for strategic decisions on how to compete, what are the trends and what drives customer decisions…


15 years of experience; methodologies for smaller and largest companies; a wide network of trained mystery shoppers throughout Serbia; regional coverage; specialized software of the latest generation for reviewing reports.

Surveying (web link, email, telephone, face to face); measurement of the most important metrics: Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CEM), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Dashboard, Analytics, Case Management tool.

Anonymous survey via web link; total result of engagement expressed by one number; trend; measuring the most important factors of engagement: Satisfaction, Engagement, Perspective, Team Dynamics, Purpose of work.

Surveying (web link, email, telephone, face to face); different types of questions; predefined methodologies; data filtering; basic and advanced analytics; trend; customized programs for your business.

Who are we?

Adverto Metrics is a Mystery Shopping & Experience Management company.

With knowledge, 15 years of experience and new technologies, we help clients improve the quality of service, establish stronger connections with customers, employees and the market, beat the competition and increase their sales and profits.

years of experience
mystery shoppers
550 +
covered places
reports annually
10000 +

They trusted us


To increase sales and profits, we use Mystery Shopping (Mystery Shopper) methods to improve service quality , as well as Customer Experience and Employee Experience  to increase customer loyalty and employee engagement.

Our Adverto MS , CX and EX solutions  enable companies to establish closer relationships with customers / customers, leading to increased sales and profits.

• Povećava nivo kvaliteta usluge
• Utiče na povećanje prodaje
• Povećava zadovoljstvo kupaca
• Omogućava rano otkrivanje grešaka
• Motiviše zaposlene
• Identifikuje kritične tačke u usluzi
• Gradi ukupnu svest o važnosti odnosa s kupcima

• Identifikuje nezadovoljne kupce pre nego što počnu da šire loš glas
• Identifikuje zadovoljne kupce i omogućava im da iskažu preporuke
• Omogućava sprovođenje aktivnosti na rešavanju problema kupaca
• Pretvara nezadovoljne u zadovoljne kupce
• Uvećava bazu lojalnih kupaca
• Omogućava veće zadržavanje kupaca, veće mogućnosti za Cross selling i Up selling.
• Statistički prognozira finansijsku uspešnost CX aktivnosti

• Veće zadovoljstvo i angažovanost zaposlenih
• Veće zadržavanje zaposlenih, manje odlazaka
• Koncentrisani, entuzijastični i uporni zaposleni
• Motivisani i produktivniji zaposleni
• Visok nivo energije i posvećenosti zaposlenih
• Zadovoljniji kupci i rast profita

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