What is Mystery Shopping?
Mystery shopping (M ystery S hopper ) or T bankruptcy buying a business tool for measuring the quality of services with the aim of improving the quality of service, where mystery shoppers who behave like real customers visiting outlets at pre-established scenario, carry out the necessary observations, and then they report on it.
… a better quality of service means higher ht to sell , or greater revenue for your company.
Why is Mystery Shopping (Mystery Shopper) important?
Mystery shopping provides unique and irreplaceable information to managers interested in increasing sales through improving sales and other business skills of employees. Mystery shopping is the only way to get information about what is really going on at the point of sale from the point of view of real everyday customers . Such information is later used to make important business decisions on revising service standards, education and training, motivating employees, all with the aim of improving sales skills of employees.
What are all the benefits of Mystery Shoppingper?
- Increases the level of service quality
- It affects the increase in sales
- It provides a high level of customer satisfaction anywhere and all the time
- Improves understanding of customer needs
- Affects customer loyalty
- It enhances the status of the company as a brand
- It monitors the quality of service to the competition and creates an advantage
- It motivates employees
- Allows early detection of errors
- Recognizes critical points in the service
- Builds an overall awareness of the importance of customer relationships
Research arguments for Mystery Shopping (Mystery Shopper)?
- Only four percent of customers who experience poor service complain, and the rest simply leave and share their "negative story" with another nine to 20 people.
- Of those customers who leave a certain point of sale, as many as 68 percent leave it due to poor service and rudeness.
- It is five times more expensive to bring in a new customer than to keep an old one.
- Every very satisfied customer is the best "carrier" of free advertising.
Which companies use Mystery Shopping (Mystery Shopper)?
Mystery shopping is used by companies in which there is a business awareness that the customer is the most important and that they constantly need to work on improving the service. Mystery Shopping began to be used by the largest and most advanced companies, but in the meantime it has become a standard tool used in many companies around the world and in our country to measure the level of service quality and obtain unique information for its improvement.
What types of Mystery Shopping are there?
Mystery Shopping (Secret personal visits)
Mystery shoppers visit outlets and check compliance with space layout standards, customer greetings, sales process and skills…
Mystery Call
Secret callers call telephone outlets or call centers and check compliance with the standards of speed of answering, presentation, greetings, product knowledge, kindness, clarity of speech…
Mystery E-mail (Secret evaluation of email communication)
Secret senders from real email addresses send emails with various questions and requests and check the speed of response, standards of written communication and signing, “tone” of email, persistence…
Mystery Benchmarking
The same standards that are checked at your points of sale are also checked at the competition in parallel in order to identify your advantages and disadvantages.
Mystery Shopping with Adverto Metrics
- 14 years of experience
- Top Mystery Shoppers
- Specialized online software
- Support to complete the process
- The whole process in 4 steps
- Additional facts